The Storm

Living in South Weber usually isn't too bad.  Sure, the trees grow a little sideways, but all in all it's a great place to live.  The wind blows a little every morning, but generally only when we're on our way to work.  It doesn't hamper our lifestyle at all. 

That changes when a storm blows in.  For the last day we have had strong gusty winds blowing all day and night.  It snowed, but the snow won't stay in one spot.  It gets blown across the otherwise plowed roads, making driving hazardous.  It also manages to sneak its way under our closed garage door and under my poor Mustang. 

Here's a picture of the mini snow bank inside the garage.  It was stepped on a little before I could get the picture.  There's a matching one on the opposite side of the Mustang.

1 comment:

Gayle said...

I want to see the BIG snow bank on the outside of the garage!